import json import hashlib import os # originally made by alula license = { "header": {"version": 1}, "payload": { "name": "elf", "email": "elv@ven", "licenses": [ { "description": "license", "edition_id": "ida-pro", "id": "48-2137-ACAB-99", "license_type": "named", "product": "IDA", "seats": 1, "start_date": "2024-08-10 00:00:00", "end_date": "2033-12-31 23:59:59", # This can't be more than 10 years! "issued_on": "2024-08-10 00:00:00", "owner": "", "product_id": "IDAPRO", "add_ons": [ # { # "id": "48-1337-DEAD-01", # "code": "HEXX86L", # "owner": "48-0000-0000-00", # "start_date": "2024-08-10 00:00:00", # "end_date": "2033-12-31 23:59:59", # }, # { # "id": "48-1337-DEAD-02", # "code": "HEXX64L", # "owner": "48-0000-0000-00", # "start_date": "2024-08-10 00:00:00", # "end_date": "2033-12-31 23:59:59", # }, ], "features": [], } ], }, } def add_every_addon(license): platforms = [ "W", # Windows "L", # Linux "M", # macOS ] addons = [ "HEXX86", "HEXX64", "HEXARM", "HEXARM64", "HEXMIPS", "HEXMIPS64", "HEXPPC", "HEXPPC64", "HEXRV64", "HEXARC", "HEXARC64", # Probably cloud? # "HEXCX86", # "HEXCX64", # "HEXCARM", # "HEXCARM64", # "HEXCMIPS", # "HEXCMIPS64", # "HEXCPPC", # "HEXCPPC64", # "HEXCRV", # "HEXCRV64", # "HEXCARC", # "HEXCARC64", ] i = 0 for addon in addons: i += 1 license["payload"]["licenses"][0]["add_ons"].append( { "id": f"48-1337-DEAD-{i:02}", "code": addon, "owner": license["payload"]["licenses"][0]["id"], "start_date": "2024-08-10 00:00:00", "end_date": "2033-12-31 23:59:59", } ) # for addon in addons: # for platform in platforms: # i += 1 # license["payload"]["licenses"][0]["add_ons"].append( # { # "id": f"48-1337-DEAD-{i:02}", # "code": addon + platform, # "owner": license["payload"]["licenses"][0]["id"], # "start_date": "2024-08-10 00:00:00", # "end_date": "2033-12-31 23:59:59", # } # ) add_every_addon(license) def json_stringify_alphabetical(obj): return json.dumps(obj, sort_keys=True, separators=(",", ":")) def buf_to_bigint(buf): return int.from_bytes(buf, byteorder="little") def bigint_to_buf(i): return i.to_bytes((i.bit_length() + 7) // 8, byteorder="little") # Yup, you only have to patch 5c -> cb in pub_modulus_hexrays = buf_to_bigint( bytes.fromhex( "edfd425cf978546e8911225884436c57140525650bcf6ebfe80edbc5fb1de68f4c66c29cb22eb668788afcb0abbb718044584b810f8970cddf227385f75d5dddd91d4f18937a08aa83b28c49d12dc92e7505bb38809e91bd0fbd2f2e6ab1d2e33c0c55d5bddd478ee8bf845fcef3c82b9d2929ecb71f4d1b3db96e3a8e7aaf93" ) ) pub_modulus_patched = buf_to_bigint( bytes.fromhex( "edfd42cbf978546e8911225884436c57140525650bcf6ebfe80edbc5fb1de68f4c66c29cb22eb668788afcb0abbb718044584b810f8970cddf227385f75d5dddd91d4f18937a08aa83b28c49d12dc92e7505bb38809e91bd0fbd2f2e6ab1d2e33c0c55d5bddd478ee8bf845fcef3c82b9d2929ecb71f4d1b3db96e3a8e7aaf93" ) ) private_key = buf_to_bigint( bytes.fromhex( "77c86abbb7f3bb134436797b68ff47beb1a5457816608dbfb72641814dd464dd640d711d5732d3017a1c4e63d835822f00a4eab619a2c4791cf33f9f57f9c2ae4d9eed9981e79ac9b8f8a411f68f25b9f0c05d04d11e22a3a0d8d4672b56a61f1532282ff4e4e74759e832b70e98b9d102d07e9fb9ba8d15810b144970029874" ) ) def decrypt(message): decrypted = pow(buf_to_bigint(message), exponent, pub_modulus_patched) decrypted = bigint_to_buf(decrypted) return decrypted[::-1] def encrypt(message): encrypted = pow(buf_to_bigint(message[::-1]), private_key, pub_modulus_patched) encrypted = bigint_to_buf(encrypted) return encrypted exponent = 0x13 def sign_hexlic(payload: dict) -> str: data = {"payload": payload} data_str = json_stringify_alphabetical(data) buffer = bytearray(128) # first 33 bytes are random for i in range(33): buffer[i] = 0x42 # compute sha256 of the data sha256 = hashlib.sha256() sha256.update(data_str.encode()) digest = sha256.digest() # copy the sha256 digest to the buffer for i in range(32): buffer[33 + i] = digest[i] # encrypt the buffer encrypted = encrypt(buffer) return encrypted.hex().upper() def generate_patched_dll(filename): if not os.path.exists(filename): print(f"Didn't find {filename}, skipping patch generation") return with open(filename, "rb") as f: data = if data.find(bytes.fromhex("EDFD42CBF978")) != -1: print(f"{filename} looks to be already patched :)") return if data.find(bytes.fromhex("EDFD425CF978")) == -1: print(f"{filename} doesn't contain the original modulus.") return data = data.replace( bytes.fromhex("EDFD425CF978"), bytes.fromhex("EDFD42CBF978") ) patched_filename = f"{filename}.patched" with open(patched_filename, "wb") as f: f.write(data) print(f"Generated modulus patch to {patched_filename}! To apply the patch, replace the original file with the patched file") # message = bytes.fromhex(license["signature"]) # print(decrypt(message).hex()) # print(encrypt(decrypt(message)).hex()) license["signature"] = sign_hexlic(license["payload"]) serialized = json_stringify_alphabetical(license) # write to ida.hexlic filename = "idapro.hexlic" with open(filename, "w") as f: f.write(serialized) print(f"Saved new license to {filename}!") generate_patched_dll("ida32.dll") generate_patched_dll("ida.dll") generate_patched_dll("") generate_patched_dll("") generate_patched_dll("libida32.dylib") generate_patched_dll("libida.dylib")