25 lines
922 B
25 lines
922 B
pkgbase = lychee-slicer-patched
pkgdesc = A versatile and easy to use slicer for SLA 3D printers - plus version, patched
pkgver = 7.0.2
pkgrel = 1
url = https://mango3d.io/download-lychee-slicer
arch = x86_64
license = unknown
makedepends = go
depends = gtk3
depends = nss
depends = xdg-utils
depends = libxss
provides = lychee-slicer
conflicts = lychee-slicer
options = !debug
options = !strip
source = lychee-slicer-patched-1.1.tar.gz::https://vaclive.party/software/lychee-slicer/archive/v1.1.tar.gz
source = lychee-slicer-7.0.2.deb::https://mango-lychee.nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com/LycheeSlicer-7.0.2.deb
source = lycheeslicer.sh
sha256sums = a804e3af0a92ad634a4b5bb7a95e509c4eab447285367272c9830cd9179f4dc8
sha256sums = 2742f3dec76623fdad146559789710d4faa4e31e4d5d73b1b9740bc817243cf7
sha256sums = b4c98d9cbc595801c2b36e1a59838eb6bd0f46394689ded48b0fa7649056849d
pkgname = lychee-slicer-patched